Pedestrian Crossing Light Systems

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ELTEC’s Pedestrian Crossing Light Systems are designed to improve roadway safety for pedestrians and motorists. In order to alert motorists when a crosswalk is occupied, signals will be activated by pole mounted push button, motion sensor, or camera systems. To accommodate a variety of applications and locations, our signal activation time is adjustable and may be set by a local signal technician.

All of our pedestrian crossing lights come with the option of either AC or DC (solar powered). When the solar power options are in place, signals are designed to stay bright during daytime conditions, even on cloudy days or in situations with insufficient power. Our solar powered options are fully compliant with FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) standards, which prohibits dimming of indication signals or flashing beacons during daytime conditions. However, our systems may be dimmed for night or low light conditions, which is both accepted and advised to help prevent night blindness in drivers.

At ELTEC, we know one size doesn’t fit all, so each one of our pedestrian systems is designed and manufactured with its own traffic project specifications in mind.

  • Every solar sizing report we do incorporates geographic location and local system load
  • We offer wireless communication between opposing poles, eliminating the need to trench and run conduit for hard-wiring
  • If the traffic plan requires it, we can even engineer single point activation for multiple signals, including medians or advanced warning signals up-road

We design and manufacture three styles of pedestrian crossing lights for a variety of applications. With solutions for recreational trails, cyclist road crossings, and a number of other pedestrian crosswalks, ELTEC is committed to building and improving safer roadways with new technology and a wider array of customization options.


With advancing technology and ever-changing traffic regulation, it’s important that ELTEC stays up to date by offering innovative solutions for our client’s pedestrian crossing  light needs. For pedestrian crossing lights, we have 3 distinct styles:

  • Standard: round beacons – single or dual LED(s) per pole
  • RRFB: Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons
  • HAWK (hybrid): High Intensity Activated CrossWalk
RRFB with signs on both sides
RRFB Wrap Around Light Bar with Pedestrian Verification Signal

Solar Powered HAWK Pedestrian Crosswalk Mounted on Mast Arm
Solar Powered HAWK Pedestrian Crosswalk Mounted on Mast Arm


​This system provides crosswalks with a CAUTION signal, using round amber flashing beacons (8” or 12” diameters available) with configuration options of one or two LEDs per pole.

A typical installation consists of two or more poles, each of which supports a small cabinet housing the electronic controls. WIth a solar powered configuration, the cabinets will also contain a solar charge controller and battery, while a solar panel rack will be mounted on the side or top of each pole.


Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons are rectangular shaped, high intensity signal heads that flash in a wig-wag, rapid flickering pattern. The alternating signals offer a direct, ultra-bright concentration and wide-angle intensity.

Studies have shown that RRFB indications significantly increase motorist compliance in “yield to pedestrian” situations, at almost 80%-95%, up from 15%-20% with standard round flashing signals. You can learn more about RRFB and its benefits here.


A pedestrian hybrid beacon is a special type of beacon with 2 red LEDs on top and 1 amber LED below employed to warn and control traffic at marked, un-signlaed crosswalks to assist pedestrians crossing a street or highway.

HAWK systems are often installed in locations where RYG traffic signals are not justified under MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) guidelines, or there was a decision made to not install a traffic control system. These systems offer an alternative way to actually stop traffic, increasing pedestrian safety. For areas with a higher pedestrian density, higher vehicle speeds, or wider streets, these systems can be beneficial to both motorists and pedestrians. To learn more about our HAWK systems and where they’re used, check our info page here.

All ELTEC pedestrian crossing lights and traffic warning systems meet the Federal Highway Administration’s MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) standards.

Whether you are looking to enhance safety with solar powered pedestrian lights or need a comprehensive solution to your traffic concerns, ELTEC has the traffic control products you need.

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