ELTEC’s Pedestrian Crossing System is designed to alert approaching motorists that a crosswalk is occupied.
ELTEC’s Pedestrian Crossing System may be integrated for AC or solar power. All ELTEC solar powered systems never dim any signal during the day, maintaining the beacon’s effectiveness and the warning system's integrity.
Evert ELTEC pedestrian crossing system is designed and manufactured to individual project specifications. Each solar powered system takes into consideration geographic location and system loads. On solar powered systems, ELTEC does not agree with the “one size fits all” philosophy.
Activation of the flashing signal(s) is initiated with a pedestrian push button, motion sensor, or camera. Our wireless radio communication eliminates the need to run conduit for hard-wiring. Once activated, the signals remain ON for an adjustable pre-set time period as determined by the signal technician.
ELTEC’s wireless system can turn ON multiple signals from one activation point including medians or advance warnings. Each programmable transceiver is linked to one of more poles creating an isolated network with no ‘cross-talk’.
All ELTEC systems meet the Federal Highway Administration’s MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) standards.
A typical system includes two or more poles with mounted beacon(s), RRFB light bar, or the PHB (Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon) crossing hybrid beacon face. Each pole supports a small cabinet housing with electronics with pre-assembled wiring for easy installation. If the unit us solar powered, a charge controller and battery are included, and solar panel with a rack is mounted each pole.
When AC power is not available or practical, solar power is the solution. ELTEC’s solar powered pedestrian crossings are sized for geographic locations including average weather conditions, number of crossings (activation time), and electrical load for optimal effectiveness guaranteeing sufficient power for the flashing beacons throughout the year. As specified by the FHWA. It is not acceptable to dim signal indications or flashing beacons in daylight conditions.