Over time, traffic signals can desynchronize, which leads to backed up traffic, irritated drivers, and a lot of wasted time for signal shops that have to reset the correct timing.
ELTEC’s TimeSync-GPS offers universally compatible coordination between multiple intersection controller brands and prevents timing drift to keep traffic flowing smoothly. The main function that allows the TimeSync-GPS to maintain a synchronized is a satellite based time feed. Where most controllers rely on the frequency transmitted through power lines, making them susceptible to fluctuations in the frequency, the satellite feed completely circumvents the issue.
Surprisingly many intersection traffic signals don’t stay synchronized, impeding traffic flow, irritating drivers, and wasting the signal shop’s time with service calls to set the correct time.
ELTEC’s universally compatible TimeSync-GPS models allow coordination between multiple intersection controller brands (interoperability) and prevents drift so traffic flows smoothly.
Currently many controllers use the power line 60Hz frequency to reference and synchronize the internal time clock. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) is considering eliminating the Time Error Correction (TEC) on the nation’s power grid possibly creating time drift in traffic equipment. ELTEC’s TimeSync-GPS’s eliminates potential problems since it receives actual time fed from the satellite and doesn’t use the power grid to set the controller’s clock.
Programming is done using an uncomplicated, easy to reach thumbwheel with only four parameters to configure: hour, minute, time zone and frequency of reset. The time selection is flexible with the user selecting the hour and minute for reset. Should the AC power to the controller be exceedingly “dirty” causing the controller’s clock to drift dramatically, resets can be done every hour. Alternatively, resets can be programmed for every 3, 6, 12 hours or just once a day.
The time reset input function is accurate to 100 milliseconds and cannot be interrupted even when navigating the programming menus. The memory is nonvolatile, retaining the programming with power loss.
The TimeSync1-GPS runs off of 8-40 volts DC. Because it uses the intersection controller’s power and GPS technology, no trenching between controllers is required.
The TimeSync1-GPS automatically adjusts to daylight savings time and has a programming option to disable DST should you live in an area that does not observe it (Arizona & Hawaii for example.)
Installation is simple with three wires: power, ground and the time reset input connections, and comes ready-to-install. See Installation & Programming Instructions
ELTEC now has available a custom direct serial interface (NMEA Standard 0183) using integral power connection leads (24VDC). It streams the satellite time directly into the controller’s software. It’s available with either a DB9 or DB25 serial connector. Contact us to discuss the specific requirements of your traffic controller brand and model. Installation & Programming Instructions
4” H x 5 ½ ” W x 1 ¼ ” D |
Input Voltage Range
8 volts DC to 40 volts DC |
8-40 VDC, 100 mA |
Isolated Open Collector Output |
Whether you are looking to enhance safety with solar powered pedestrian lights or need a comprehensive solution to your traffic concerns, ELTEC has the traffic control products you need.