Cameras: Solar Powered Systems

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Solar (photovoltaic) technology has improved significantly in recent years increasing the number of applications. ELTEC working together with engineers have designed solar powered camera systems.

A solar powered camera system can be powered by either AC or DC. In areas where lightning strikes are a concern, cameras powered by solar eliminate the connection between the pole and the monitoring station.

When AC power is prohibitively expensive to connect to or not advisable due to above average lightning strikes, solar power is the answer. Each system is sized with a computer program which includes geographical location and electrical load for optimal effectiveness guaranteeing sufficient power for the camera: standard mount or pan-tilt-zoom.

Fixed Camera
Fixed Camera

Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera
Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera

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DC solar system benefits

  • Self Contained
  • No Trenching or Boring Cable
  • Protects Monitoring Station Equipment from Lightning Strikes
  • No Power Interruption
  • No Electrical Bills
  • Electrical Contractors/Technicians Not Required for Installation
  • High Efficiency Self Cleaning Solar Modules with 20 year warranty
  • Controller with LCD Display Showing Battery & Solar Array Voltage, Output and Load Current
  • Sealed Gel or AGM Sealed Deep Cycle Batteries: 5 Year Pro-rated Warranty
  • Sized by Computer Program: Insures Power Generated meets/exceeds Load Requirements

For more information, see NEWS Articles & Stories.

Whether you are looking to enhance safety with solar powered pedestrian lights or need a comprehensive solution to your traffic concerns, ELTEC has the traffic control products you need.

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