24-Hour warning to caution systems are designed to alert motorist of an impending condition.
Each ELTEC warning system is built to project specifications. The power source may be either AC or solar powered (DC). System designs include but are not limited to:
Some warning systems are triggered only with certain conditions. Some examples are:
Eah solar powered system is sized doe geographical location and electrical load guaranteeing sufficient power. A solar sizing report is generated doe each project ensuring adequate power to support signals, radar signs, detection devices, etc. As required by the Federal highway Administration (FHWA), flashing beacons are never dimmed during the day, a method employed by some manufacturers to converse battery capacity.
ELTEC’s warning systems meet the Federal Highway Administrations’ MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) standards.
Below are additional features for (DC) solar units.
Whether you are looking to enhance safety with solar powered pedestrian lights or need a comprehensive solution to your traffic concerns, ELTEC has the traffic control products you need.