Lewis and Clark were emotion-ally challenged when they camped on Oregon’s coast. Their journal indicated months of gloomy, wet weather with sunny days few and far between. ELTEC’s RRFB.
(Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon) system has improved pedestrian safety for some of Oregon’s residents, especially during stormy weather.
The City of Astoria, Oregon, located on the northern coast-line, had installed ELTEC’s RRFB. David Neys, District Manager of ODOT, says he sees it “in action a lot” since residents come down the hill to access the River Trail. The solar powered RRFB system “works great”. It was sized by ELTEC using a sophisticated solar sizing program ensuring the LED’s never dim. Prior to installation, there had been several “close calls” with pedestrians. David reports it’s “very effective” especially when conditions are gray/misty or dark/rainy.
The City of Florence, located on the central Oregon coast, installed ELTEC’s RFFB sys-tem after a teenager was struck and killed during the daytime while walking his bike across the crosswalk.
There are three schools in the area, with the majority of high school kids using it. Mike miller, Director of Pub-lic Works, says, “It works well and is well received.” The citizens are very appreciative.
Florence also added an island and ADA ramps. A single solar panel supports all four RRFB’s which are hard wired to the median assembly.
For more information con-tact ELTEC at sales@elteccorp.com, 800-227-1734 or visit ELTEC’s website at www.ELTECCORP.com.